Reading Room

Regular Hours: 

March through April (first sundays of each month)

10 am - 11 am and after Church on Sundays at 12pm

We are always available upon appointment,

please feel free to contact us via email at!

Christian Science attendant available for questions 
Quiet reading area accessible for private study
Reading Room materials available for study or purchase
FREE literature to keep or share

Location: In the Foyer of our Church
Reading Room materials also available for purchase on 
open Sundays after the Bible Lesson at 12 pm

​First Church of Christ, Scientist

Come, Learn ...

What is a Reading Room?

What is Christian Science?

Learn how to PRAY

Learn how to STUDY

Learn how to HEAL

"The Bible and Science & Health are our only pastors"

Welcome to Ogden's

Christian Science in Northern Utah